Midtown BierGaten, Sacramento

Question: What is a good brew for cold weather?
It is the middle of wintertime. What is a brew lover to do? Personally, I do not pay that much attention to the climate when I am picking out brew, at least not consciously. I possibly pick different beers one a red-hot pleasant era than I would on a freezing, rainy day but I do not do so with a mean. Even so, I know that there are some beers than give themselves more easily to cold weather than others.
Answer: Go dark. My first thoughts are of dark beers: porters or doppelbock’s, the really dark ones. Their spice tends to be big and chewy and requires that you slow down and savor them. After all, when a freezing breath is hammering around outside, who wants to be gulping down cold ones? No, when you are sitting at the fireplace with a covering around your shoulders and drinking a great dark beer. Slow down with and sip contemplatively while you stare and the flames and consider your own mortality.
Besides being sipping beers, the large-scale, darks forms tend to preference good whether the outside temperature is freezing or warm. You can get a glass of the sudsy concoction and have it in a snifter in your hand and warm up and it is just as delicious as it was when you grabbed it out of the refrigerator. Lighter beers, extremely Pilsner and wan lagers, are approximately unpalatable when they get up to room temperature so they are best shunned when you are trying to stay warm. Go local if you can as it’s usually fresher. After all you sitting at home and staring at the flame regardless, maybe you met someone nice at the brewery to drink with you. If not at home with the fire and if the roads are not too bad, why not sound over to your regional brewpub? It “doesn’t really” matter what they are serving, the comradely of a very warm table on a freezing era is enough to thaw the iciest of moods. Go boozy, The extreme brew fluctuation has brought a whole emcee of high-alcohol beers to our brew collect shelves. Besides being delectable sippers, these beers carry that added benefit of the warming detect of booze. There is nothing cozier than spending an hour or so sipping a rich, flavorful extreme brew and searching its spices as it warms and changes character in your hand. So maybe you simply don’t want a brew. It’s cold and brew is a freezing drinking and good-for-nothing I say can reassure you to think otherwise. Fine, but remember, the warm climate is just two or three months away so why not take advantage of the cold weather down time to put back some homebrew? The red-hot steam from the brew pot and the smell of malted and hops will surely defrost your frozen beer-lovin’ person.

Or go to a festival, Believe it or not but breweries and organizers are containing brew fairs in this ridiculous climate. Having attended a couple , great beers happen at these festival. I can report that they are really enjoyable. Sure, it is cold as heck but good brew is spurting and there is usually some kind of heat source for everyone to gather around. There’s no better way to get close with your fellow brew lovers.

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